YouTube is filled with low-quality videos of ghost hunters claiming to capture paranormal activity, often relying on poorly filmed or faked footage. As this trend has grown over the years, it has been accompanied by the rise of YouTube Debunkers, offering alternative explanations and debunking the so-called evidence presented by these ghost hunting channels. Beardo visits 30 East Drive In August 2024, the BeardoGetsScared debunking channel, shared a video of his ghost hunt at 30 East Drive, a UK site famed for its supposed poltergeist, the Black Monk of Pontefract. Curious to see a debunker’s approach, I watched the video but was left disappointed. Beardo reported that his team felt “freaked out” upon arrival but used a Trifield meter to find strong EMF readings from the boiler upstairs. From examining the video, it looks like he is using a £30 device from Amazon which measures electric and magnetic fields, as well…
A Skeptic’s Guide to Ghost Hunting for Bristol Skeptics Society
On September 9th I will be delivering an updated version of my public talk A Skeptic’s Guide to Ghost Hunting for the relaunch of Bristol Skeptics Society! It’s the first time I’ve delivered this talk in years, after recently graduating from The Open University. During the 7 years of study I had to focus my spare time on studying so delivering public talks was not always a possibility. As such, A Skeptic’s Guide to Ghost Hunting will be filled with new and updated material, offering fresher insights into the weird world of Ghost Hunting. It’ll also be where I debut the findings of my dissertation which explored the predictive power of science education for paranormal beliefs. Come along to the Wardrobe Theatre Bristol on September 9th!
Yorkshire Ghost Hunters Startled By Reflection
A group of Rotherham-based ghost hunters called Lost Souls Paranormal has approached the media to report that they’ve caught on camera a spooky reflection at a haunted museum, challenging anyone skeptical to visit for themselves. Yahoo News reports that the team, fronted by Darren Ross and Susan Booth, visited the “poltergeist house” in Rawmarsh on August 17 for an investigation. Darren Ross took several photos of an alleged haunted mirror and said he was shocked when he looked through the images at home. Upon inspecting the photos’ the group noticed that Susan’s face looked distorted in the reflection of one of the mirrors. Darren is quoted: It doesn’t look like my mum at all – you can’t even see her eyes in the photo. We were all so shocked when we zoomed in and noticed it. My mum was really scared when she saw it. Looking at the photo, it…
Watch: Folklore & Forteana Panel, QEDcon ’23
Last year, I chaired a panel at QEDcon 2023 with Dr David Clarke, Deborah Hyde and Claire Klingenberg. We discussed the strange tales that have caught the imagination of people throughout history, and what those stories tell us about society’s hopes, fears and anxieties – both then, and now. Tickets for QED 2024 are available now, priced £164 for the weekend, or just £45 for the live stream. See you there?