‘With ancient ruins, handsome countryside and quaint customs, Britain is a pleasant spot. Furthermore, (and, perhaps most importantly,) roast dinners, hearty puddings and steaming pots of tea abound. But lo, the heart-warming features of British life aren’t the only things to be found upon this venerable archipelago, for it seems…
Review: Stop Worrying! There probably is an afterlife
It has been a long time since a book about ghosts made me feel the excitement I used to feel in my gut when researching the ghost sightings I would go on to investigate with my ghost research team, but Stop Worrying! There probably is an afterlife by Greg Taylor was…
Review: Scary Monsters & Super Freaks
When I found out that Dom Joly had written a book about his adventures as a monster hunter I knew immediately that I had to read it, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. Would it make a mockery of cryptozoology? Was Joly a believer in all sorts of weird…
Review: Where the Ghosts Walk
Where the Ghosts Walk: The Gazetteer of Haunted Britain is testament to the amount of work carried out by Peter Underwood, one of the worlds longest serving paranormal researchers. It was a pleasure to read this book. There have been Ghost Folklore books in my home for as long as I…